Friday, February 24, 2012

Apologia: Who Am I? - A Product Review

If you have been homeschooling for any amount of time, you have most likely heard of the company Apologia. And most of the time when you hear the name Apologia, you probably think.. Science! Well, while you are correct, Apologia has an awesome line of science programs, what you might not know is that they now have several entire lines of curriculum that are equally impressive. I have had the privilege of review several of them,  you can see those reviews here; Read for Heart,  Who is God? and How Can I Know Him?   and Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling.

Recently, I had the opportunity to review the second book in the What We Believe Series by Apologia;  Who Am I? And What Am I Doing Here?  and I was equally impressed by the quality of this book.  This year when the box arrived, I was so excited to see what was included!!

Not only did we receive a copy of the  Student Book ( $39) We also received  the companion Notebooking Journal ( $24)   a copy of the MP3 CD of  the entire book being read, must be played on the MP3 compatible device ($19) and the Companion Coloring Book ($8).

Just like the first book in the series, Who is God? You will find that Who Am I? And What Am I Doing Here?, is a beautiful hard bound book, with beautiful illustrations.  However, aside from the high quality look of this book, that is not what is the best feature of this book... it is it's content!

There are 8 Lessons in this book, with each lesson taking 2 weeks to complete, this book should take you 16 weeks to complete.

  • What  Are We Doing Here?
  • What Will You Make Today?
  • What's On Your Mind?
  • Can You Trust Your Feelings?
  • Will You Choose Wisely?
  • How Will You Run the Race?
  • What Kind of Fruit Are You Growing? 
  • Who Do You Think You Are? 

 However, as with many homeschool curriculums, you have the option to take longer, or move through quicker, depending on your children. Although, I would not recommend going to fast, you really do want to take your time, and allow the content, and the Word of God to soak through your child's heart.  And the wonderful thing about this book, is that it helps you do just that, if you simply follow what they have laid out.

In the beginning of this book you will find a section called, How to Use This Book, you will find proposed lesson plans, as well as a description of how to use each section. Each section has sub-sections that help to bring home the topic of each lesson, such as; The Big Idea (introducing the main topic), Think About It (Thought provoking questions to help you dig deeper into the provided short story), Words You Need To Know (Vocabulary defined), Hide it in Your Heart ( bible memorization), and many more sections to help your child identify with what they are learning.

Now with all of that said, how did we feel about this program? I, (the mom) loved it!  Just look at the lesson topics, I can tell you that these are topics that we talk about in our home, often. Have you ever had that feeling, you know the one, when you are driving home from church, and either your child's Sunday School Teacher, or the Pastor, has addressed the very thing you have been teaching them.. and often times your children hear, almost like it is the very first time they have heard, simply because it is coming in the form of someone else's voice. I have found that this series has the same effect ( which I view as a positive one!).  When we are reading the Short Story, or the Can You Trust Your Feelings section, or the What's on Your Mind section, there have been moments where the written word spoke to their hearts in a way, that I would not have been able to! And for that I am grateful. I am thankful to have this amazing tool in my arsenal.

When adding the fact that there is an audio available, this is a blessing, as I teach children with dyslexia, I am always looking for tools that will make learning easier for them. The CD allows them to have more independence then they would have otherwise had. The coloring book has been a wonderful addition for my youngest, and the otebooking journal, is a great way for the hands on learner to really incorporate what they have learned, by using their hands! There are crosswords, word finds, questions and much more inside the journal.

You can learn more about the What We Believe Series by visiting their Frequently Asked Questions. 
They say that the curriculum is for 6-14 years of age, which I think is accurate, but we have used it for Middle School and High School Students, and they thoroughly enjoyed the content.

Take a moment to visit Apologia today, and see all they have to offer your family!

*** I was provided a free copy of each of the reviewed items, in exchange for my honest opinion. No other compensation was offered or accepted.***

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